mandag 27. august 2007


When the congress ended, Terje Solvoll (researcher at Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine in Tromsø) and I went to the Koala Sanctuary in Brisbane to have a look at these cute animals. Terje is working on communication in health care:

Hungry Koala. How these animals manage to survive among all those dangerous animals in Australia is a mystery to me.

Kenguru mama and baby.

Random Kenguru.
Terje and Kenguru. Can you see any similarities?

mandag 20. august 2007

Medinfo 2007

In August, I flew over the Tasman Sea to attend MEDINFO 2007 in Brisbane, Australia. MEDINFO is a world congress in health informatics. I submitted a short poster paper early in 2007 which was accepted, and I was there to present the poster.

The golden boys. Ståle and Marius from SINTEF presented papers at the congress.

Me in the exhibition area.

fredag 10. august 2007

First Taste of White Water in Kiwi-land

My first trip to the river became a reality in August after one month of nagging about it. Kenny and Ross in the days when Ross still had working suspensions on his car. After a short stop by Kaituna river, we headed to Aniphenua.

Winter mood


Ross. I was actually a bit worried about how this trip would end. And noboby told me this man had a deathwish!

Jono (jaunau) from England. The waterfall is found in the upper part of lower Rangitaiki.

A happy skeleton